Community Posters

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Did You Know’ posters are brought to you in hopes of sparking conversation. The information is provided by Healing Your Almond and the artwork is provided by Bipolar Lili.


Lili was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder in February of 2016. She was then diagnosed as bipolar 1 in May 2016 after a 3rd suicide attempt for the year. She was placed on a medication routine that just didn’t work for her and was finally fixed after a few more trials and errors during a November 2016 hospitalization. 



Learn more about Franchon

Franchon Francees is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and a Certified Trauma Practitioner and Trainer. She founded Healing Your Almond, a Wilmington, NC-based consulting group, in 2019, utilizing her expertise in both trauma and emotional intelligence to help companies address employee stress and team efficiency.