Emotional Intelligence for Individuals & Teams


To help companies build highly functioning teams through increased emotional intelligence for individuals, the people they serve, and the people they are serving with.


All workplaces are safe places, where employees have a sense of belonging and employers understand that happy employees = happy bottom line. 

What does healing your almond mean?

Healing Your Almond

There is an almond-shaped cluster of nuclei located deep in the brain called the amygdala. It is responsible for identifying threats and triggering a flight, fight or freeze reaction.

When we experience trauma, feel unsafe and/or powerless, our “almond” (amygdala) is activated, much like an alarm going off in a house. Once our brain identifies we are in danger, it enters survival mode and maintains only those functions crucial to survival.

In order to heal from trauma, two things need to happen: We need to turn off the alarm, and heal. That is how we get the name, healing your almond.